How to Repair Your Autonomic Nervous System: A Comprehensive Guide


Katie Rapkoch, CHPC


Published on

May 13, 2024


Updated on

June 13, 2024

Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Robert Stevens


In an era where mental health transcends physical well-being, understanding and positively conditioning the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is paramount. The ANS, a critical component of our body's ability to maintain balance and respond to stress, can sometimes go askew, leading to a range of dysfunctions. However, the burgeoning field of neuroplasticity brings hope in addition to offering strategies for rejuvenation and repair. This guide delves into the intricacies of the ANS and, by incorporating cutting-edge research and holistic approaches, will show you how to repair your autonomic nervous system.

The re-origin program has helped hundreds of people on their journey towards healing their autonomic nervous systems through targeted brain retraining. If you are interested in seeing if our program is right for you, please sign up for a free info call.

Understanding the Autonomic Nervous System

The Core of Bodily Functions

The ANS is a central pillar in the regulation of our body's involuntary functions, playing a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis—the body's state of equilibrium. As a crucial subset of the peripheral nervous system, the ANS meticulously oversees a myriad of critical bodily functions.1

These functions include the regulation of blood pressure, ensuring that it remains within a range that's optimal for our body's current needs; the modulation of heart rate, increasing it during periods of exertion and decreasing it during rest; and the management of digestion, coordinating the breakdown and absorption of food.2

Moreover, the ANS is responsible for maintaining the delicate balance between two fundamental physiological states: the fight-or-flight and the rest-and-digest responses. This balance is crucial for our survival, enabling us to respond appropriately to stress and then recover afterward.

The Sympathetic Nervous System: The Body's Alarm System

The sympathetic nervous system serves as the body's accelerator in times of stress, essentially preparing the body for a "fight or flight" response. When faced with a perceived threat, the sympathetic nervous system swiftly mobilizes energy resources and increases the heart rate and blood vessel constriction to redirect blood flow from non-essential fight-or-flight areas (like the digestive tract) to essential fight-or-flight muscles. This response is facilitated by the release of stress hormones such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which collectively prepare the body to face imminent challenges or to flee from danger. The efficiency of the sympathetic nervous system is paramount for survival, enabling rapid responses to acute stressors.3

The Parasympathetic Nervous System: The Body's Rest and Digest System

Conversely, the parasympathetic nervous system acts as a counterbalance to the sympathetic system, promoting recovery, the relaxation response, and rejuvenation. Often referred to as the "rest and digest" system, it conserves energy by slowing down the heart rate, dilating (opening) blood vessels to reduce blood pressure, and enhances digestion and various metabolic processes. This system utilizes neurotransmitters like acetylcholine to communicate its calming messages, effectively telling the body that it's time to relax and recover. The parasympathetic nervous system is crucial for long-term health by facilitating healing and regeneration to ensure that our bodies can digest food efficiently and absorb nutrients. It also plays a significant role in the maintenance of a healthy immune system, as relaxation and recovery are vital for immune function.4

Recognizing Autonomic Dysfunction

Autonomic dysfunction, often referred to as dysautonomia, represents a disruption in the ANS's critical role in regulating involuntary bodily functions. This condition can manifest a broad spectrum of symptoms, each mirroring the extensive reach and essential nature of the ANS's responsibilities within the body.1

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

One of the hallmark symptoms of autonomic dysfunction is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a debilitating condition characterized by extreme, persistent fatigue that isn't alleviated by rest. This fatigue can severely limit an individual's ability to perform daily activities, suggesting a profound dysregulation of the body's energy management systems, which are overseen by the ANS.3

Digestive Issues

Digestive issues, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), slow digestion, and constipation, can also signal autonomic dysfunction. The ANS plays a critical role in regulating the speed and efficiency of the digestive process, and its dysregulation can lead to a range of uncomfortable and disruptive gastrointestinal symptoms. These issues not only affect nutrient absorption and overall gut health but can also significantly impact an individual's quality of life.2

Abnormal Blood Pressure

Fluctuations in blood pressure, manifesting as episodes of high (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension), are indicative of the ANS's impaired ability to adjust vascular resistance and heart rate in response to changing bodily needs. Orthostatic hypotension is a type of low blood pressure that occurs right after standing and is common with dysautonomia. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension include dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting.4

Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive impairment, including difficulties with concentration, memory, and processing, can arise from autonomic dysfunction. The ANS's influence on cerebral blood flow and its interaction with the central nervous system means that dysregulation can have direct and indirect effects on cognitive function, impacting an individual's ability to think, learn, and remember.1

Strategies for Repairing the Autonomic Nervous System

Lifestyle Adjustments

  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise enhances blood circulation and nerve function, crucial for a healthy ANS.2
  • Stress Management: Techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness can reduce the adverse effects of chronic stress on the ANS.3
  • Nutritional Support: A well-balanced diet emphasizing gut health can support ANS function by improving the gut-brain axis.4

Medical and Alternative Therapies

  • Medications: In some cases, medications like beta blockers are employed to manage conditions such as high blood pressure.1
  • Physical Therapy: Activities aimed at improving vagal tone, including specific muscle strengthening, breathing exercises, singing or humming, and gargling cold water, can strengthen parasympathetic function.3
  • Acupuncture and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): These modalities offer pathways to alleviate symptoms like anxiety and muscle tension by targeting the body's stress responses.4

The Role of Neuroplasticity in ANS Repair

Neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, provides a foundation for the recovery of the ANS. This adaptability means that positive lifestyle changes and therapeutic interventions can literally reshape our nervous system, enhancing its functionality and resilience.5

Leveraging Neuroplasticity for Healing

  • Self-Directed Brain Retraining: Reframing old thoughts and behaviors around symptoms of ANS dysfunction can foster new associations and promote improvements within the nervous system.5
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Regular practice can foster a state of relaxation, encouraging the growth of neural pathways that enhance the parasympathetic system.2
  • Targeted Physical Exercises: Activities designed to stimulate the vagus nerve can promote neuroplastic changes, improving vagal tone and ANS balance.3
  • Emotional Regulation: Techniques that address emotional and cognitive patterns can influence the limbic system, reducing the impact of stress on the ANS.4

Can You Learn to Control Your Autonomic Nervous System?

Emerging evidence suggests that certain techniques practiced regularly can positively impact the autonomic nervous system, offering pathways to maintain some level of control over the ANS. Because it serves a vital role in keeping you safe, it is not recommended to override your ANS at all times. With that being said, the following techniques can help to relieve anxiety and keep you regulated throughout the ups and downs of life.

Deep Breathing and Vagal Tone

Deep breathing exercises are a cornerstone of strategies aimed at calming the nervous system. By slowing the breath, these exercises stimulate the vagus nerve, a key component of the parasympathetic system, leading to decreased heart rate, lower blood pressure, and a reduction in stress hormone levels. Enhanced vagal tone is associated with improved sleep quality, resilience to stress, and a more balanced autonomic nervous system.4


Mindfulness has been shown to not only reduce stress but also improve heart rate variability, a marker of the nervous system's ability to adapt to stress. This practice supports the nervous system's health by encouraging a shift away from the focus on things you cannot control and towards a focus on the things you can control to help you feel joyful, calm, and present. Thus, regular mindfulness practice can play a significant role in modulating the ANS.3

Physical Activity and Autonomic Function

Regular physical activity plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Exercise can improve blood flow and circulation, bolster the immune system, and increase the body's ability to regulate stress hormones. Moreover, physical activity can enhance the body's stress response, making it an effective tool in managing autonomic dysfunction. Physical activity does not need to look like going to the gym or yoga studio for an hour every day. You can practice small bouts of movement throughout the day to calm your nervous system, relieve stress, and clear your mind.2

Empowering Your Journey Toward a Healthier ANS

While the path to repairing the autonomic nervous system may seem daunting, the principles of neuroplasticity provide a hopeful perspective. By adopting a comprehensive approach that includes lifestyle modifications, therapeutic interventions, and a commitment to mental and physical health, individuals can actively influence their ANS, steering towards improved well-being and resilience.

It is essential, however, to embark on this journey under the guidance of professionals, ensuring that the strategies employed are tailored to your unique health profile and needs. Together, with the right support and determination, repairing your autonomic nervous system is not just a possibility—it's within reach.

The re-origin self-directed neuroplasticity program has helped hundreds of people on their journey towards healing their autonomic nervous system using the power of their own brain! If you are curious about the re-origin program and how we can help you, please sign up for a free info call.


  1. University of Utah Health. (n.d.). Autonomic Dysfunction. Retrieved from
  2. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Dysautonomia. Retrieved from
  3. Shields, R. W. (2020). Overview of the Autonomic Nervous System. Retrieved from
  4. Shields, R. W., & Mohrman, D. E. (2022). Autonomic nervous system dysfunctions. Retrieved from
  5. Medical Definition of Neuroplasticity. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Katie Rapkoch, CHPC

